Destra Po

Villages and castles
119,5 km
0 m

Itinerary: Stellata di Bondeno, Bondeno, Mesola, Goro, Gorino Ferrarese

The route, mainly along cycle paths, runs alongside the river Po in its last 100 kilometres separating it from the sea. It starts from the Mighty Fortress di Stellata, the symbol of Bondeno, and continues through the evocative river landscapes as far as the Sacca di Gorino and its lighthouse. During the itinerary, which does not present any particular technical difficulties but is nevertheless challenging due to its length, we encounter various places of interest not only naturalistic but also historical. These include Mesola Castle, an Este family home dating back to 1578.

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Destra Po cycle path

The Destra Po cycle path is 125 kilometres long, making it one of the longest in Italy. The itinerary extends through the heart of the Delta del Po Park, over almost completely flat terrain suitable for any type of bike. This cycle path is part of the EuroVelo 8 route, The Mediterranean Route, which links the Spanish city of Cadiz to the Greek capital Athens.


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