Romagna for those who love cycling

The villages and castles of Romagna

Romagna is a generous land; it is Italy declined in all its excellence: good food, ancient villages, cities of art and enchanting nature. Romagna is a land of cycling, it is a tradition projected towards the future: legends of sport, breathtaking routes, infrastructures and events. Romagna is a hospitable land, it is synonymous with hospitality and is open to all those who wish to discover its places, traditions and secrets by bicycle.

2629kilometres of itinerary


Click on the areas below to start your journey of discovery of Romagna and its countryside.


A UNESCO World Heritage Site and "City of Bicycles", Ferrara will win you over with its historic centre, its Estense "Delights" and its peaceful countryside.


A city of art par excellence located between the sea and the hills, Ravenna will entice you with its millenary history and the famous Byzantine mosaics of its basilicas.

Forlì and Cesena

Bertinoro, the Sangiovese vineyards and the renowned thermal spas are just some of the treasures preserved in the area of Forlì-Cesena, all to be discovered while cycling.


Not only beaches: let yourself be guided to discover the city of the Malatesta and Fellini, the villages of San Leo and Verucchio and the valley of the river Marecchia.

Via Romagna, 460 km of minor paved roads and dirt roads through the villages, vineyards, fortresses and castles of Romagna.

Find the inspiration

Experience Romagna in all its facets, let yourself be inspired by a region rich in excellence through four different experiences.

See for yourself


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Romagna is synonymous with hospitality. As people of Romagna, we want to keep you constantly informed about events, itineraries and special offers dedicated specifically to cyclists.

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